My Photography Is…

Couple walking hand in hand with a background of a forest and two large frames on each side
Man proposing to his girlfriend on the beach


I have a portrait photo of my parents taped on a page of my poetry journal. I still admire my grandparent’s wedding photo, and I look for pieces of myself in their eyes, their smiles, and the laughs that I can imagine when I close my eyes. I want your photos to stand the test of time. I want you to cherish them, save them, and show them to your children, your grandchildren, and your great grandchildren. Let’s create photographs that transport us back in time when our memories fade.

Headshot of a woman wearing a white sweater with greenery in the background
Woman in a dress walking away from the camera along a riverbank


Your time is valuable. I will not rush us through our photography session together—I believe in the slow joy of observation. But, I will be intentional with your time. I will use every minute of our time together to document your memories.

Four women looking at each other and smiling and laughing on the beach
Recent graduate sitting on a bench with her cap in her hand and gown next to her

Detail Oriented

Our world whips around us at an incredible pace, and we often glaze over the details. In our session together, I will pay attention to all the small details that make you the person that you are. After all, it’s the million little things that add together to make our lives whole.

Pregnant woman and her husband holding a onesie announcing their baby's due date
Couple embracing on the beach after recent proposal


I understand that every session looks different, and I will not try to squeeze you into a one-size-fits-all model. Do you want to be playful and romantic? Let’s do it. Would you rather share your quiet side? I’ll be a fly on the wall. Looking for a photo that your grandmother can immediately post on Facebook? We will always save some moments for her. Let’s build an experience that feels true to you. 

My Service is…


You can count on me to arrive early, and I will be ready to document your most precious moments. I’ll help to keep us on time while also preserving the necessary moments of slow, quiet joy.


I want you to feel prepared and confident about our time together. My door is open for questions, and I will do my best to answer promptly. And if I can’t answer your question, I will find someone who will. Text me, email me, call me, or send me a hand-written letter—whatever works for you!


Reminders? Color-coded timelines? A detailed list of all the people you want photos with on your wedding day? I am your girl! A daily to-do list is my love language. I will stay organized, so you don’t have to.


I believe in celebrating every type of love. Your moment deserves to be documented, and I commit to providing you with a safe space to be yourself.


I highly value efficiency. If there is a way for us to capture your moments with intentionality but send you home in time to kiss your children goodnight or watch that latest Netflix episode, I will make it happen! Our time is fragile; I promise to value the time you choose to spend with me.

Smiling dog at the forefront with a pregnant mom and her husband in the background
Couple kissing after just getting engaged on the beach with their dog in the frame

Let’s create beautiful memories

Inquire today to turn life’s moments into extraordinary memories