Victoria and Tito’s Couples Session

For most people, getting up at 6:00am on a Saturday morning after a long week of night shifts would be inconceivable. Now, imagine waking up at 6:00am, showering, blow drying your hair, slipping on a dress or a pair of jeans, pulling on your cowboy boots, driving to a corn field, and smiling for the camera. Most people would curl the covers over their eyes, hit the snooze button, and fade back to sleep. But not Victoria and Tito! They were absolute superstars during our sunrise couples session.

I met Victoria and Tito just after 6:00am, and we carpooled to the photoshoot location together. I had visited the location the day before to scout out the sunlight and any potential obstacles, but when we rolled into our parking spot just before 7:00 in the morning, I was stunned. The lighting was golden. The birds were chirping. The gravel path leading to the open field of corn stalks was completely empty. We had the entire location to ourselves!

I photographed Tito and Victoria as they strolled down the road to our first location. Usually, I would be jamming to music and launching into prompts, but I let the wind and the birds build our playlist, and I gave my couple time to wake up!

Once we arrived in the field, we found a dry spot to place our water bottles and other belongings. Then, it was time to explore. And, this is where I have to give Tito credit! He immediately pointed out beautiful purple flowers in the back right corner of our location. I had not noticed the flowers the day before, so I assured Tito that we would save some time for a few portraits with the flowers. When the time came to take photos in the shade with the flowers, Tito asked me to take a few photos of just the flowers. The morning dew kissed the flower petals—they were beautiful. Tito helped me slow down and absorb the beauty of the tiny details around us. Of course, photoshoots are about the photos, but they’re also about the experience! I loved that we had time to observe, breathe, and appreciate the beauty of our home. This location was practically in our backyard, but it gave us the opportunity to appreciate Williamsburg from an entirely new perspective.

Tito and Victoria have been married for just over a year, and I loved observing them connect during our session. They were playful with each other—teasing each other and whispering inside jokes. They reminisced together—Victoria told me about their wedding day, and they took some time at the end of our session to show me their wedding photos. They also dreamed together—they commented on the fact that their relatives regretted not taking more photos together when they were young. They plan to add these photos to their growing collection and share them with future generations.

At the end of our session, we drove from the field back to the brewery for some final photos. Despite the churning of the lawn mowers on the brewery property, we found some quiet spots for a few more fun photos. I ended the session by giving Victoria and Tito my polaroid camera, and they took some romantic and silly photos of each other. They even took a photo of me! And of course, we had to take a photo of our cowboy boots. We all wore cowboy boots to the session that morning, so we had to document our matching style.

Overall, I am so thankful that Victoria and Tito shared their Saturday morning with me. Their photos are beautiful, but our experience together was even more memorable. I can’t wait to photograph more couples and turn more regular Saturday mornings into long-lasting memories.

If you’re interested in seeing a full gallery of photos, please feel free to mention this in your inquiry form!


Becca’s Portrait Session


Lizy Graduation Session